Category: On Writing

How to Prepare for The Unthinkable

If you are one of the few authors who has been published by anyone other than yourself, you understand what a rare gem you have in your publisher. They give you credibility. They get your work on the market to a broad audience. And let’s be honest, they validate your skills as a writer. This is why the thought that you could be so lucky and skilled as to obtain a contract and lose it is almost unthinkable. Tragic.

Build Your Plot, Part 2 – The Characters

Writing characters: “You can be a face (good), you can be a heel (bad), for the love for god, don’t be f***ing boring.” A high quality character is distinct, compelling, and complex with an understandable motivation, even when it’s negative.

Rewriting a Novel in Fifteen Easy Steps

Edited papers

You would think rewriting a novel would be a simple process with just a little clean up. You would be wrong! Fifteen steps to finish a “completed” novel.

Build Your Plot, Part 1 – The Framework

Framing plot on index cards is all well and good, but how do I get enough information to even start that process?

Build Your Plot – My Index Card Method

Build plot on index cards! Let’s be honest, the “here’s how I constructed this plot” blog post is the writing blogger’s equivalent to the beauty blogger’s ubiquitous “my daily skincare routine!” post. Like, sis, no one asked, but ok, I’ll watch. Why? Because it’s at least mildly interesting to see what other writers (or beauty bloggers) do differently from our own techniques and it’s great to learn someone else’s best practices. Maybe you’ll find something new you love.

Let’s talk editing!

Edited papers

Love it or hate it, it has to be done. Ok, maybe it doesn’t, but not editing is just inviting shame and ridicule. I’m working to publish my first full novel, but I have years of writing academics papers, government white papers, fiction, magazine… Continue Reading “Let’s talk editing!”